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Work Space

What does your work space look like? Is it governed by the latest trends or by practical considerations? Have you ever conducted a physical space audit to determine if it’s providing the most benefits for your staff and business?

Whether you realise it or not, work surroundings make an enormous difference to productivity and creativity. There are obvious physical things that should be in place, such as air flow, adequate desk space, appropriate heating/cooling, equipment in good working order and so on. But if your idea of a well functioning workplace is limited to those aspects, then you have some more work to do!

One of the latest trends in office based companies is for low (or no) walls and clustered cubicles which encourages collaboration and fosters creativity. Combined with ‘refuges’ in the form of smaller conference rooms, workplaces such as this provides flexibility to cater for various work and learning styles. Other health-related considerations, such as ergonomic chairs and spaces for employees to work while standing, bolster overall well being which in turn boosts productivity.

Companies who provide opportunities for more staff interaction generally find that more impromptu meetings and brainstorming occurs. Staff camaraderie is improved and a sense of community is created.

You don’t have to offer the extravagant flexible workplaces that some larger companies do in order to foster positive work environments (such as gyms, games rooms and more). Simple initiatives such as a great coffee machine or flexibility to personalise work spaces, may be all it takes to boost staff morale and productivity.


Michelle Grice writes a weekly column for business women in The Western Weekender



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Crash and Burn

When was the last time you took a break from your business - a break longer than two days? For many business owners, the answer is often at least one year ago, and for too many, the last ‘real’ holiday they had was before they started their business. In an online forum recently, one business owner said ‘but if you are passionate about what you do then it’s not really work anyway’ as a way of explaining why she doesn’t take holidays. I think this business owner is deluding herself. It doesn’t matter how passionate you are, everyone needs a break from the ‘everyday tasks’.

For those of you who do take regular breaks, I’m sure you have noticed that a number of things happen:

  • Problems that seemed insurmountable often seem possible to solve
  • Long term goals and priorities (both business and personal) become clearer
  • Productivity is increased when you return to work
  • Your general outlook and attitude towards your business improves

Women in business are particularly prone to burnout, because we are generally balancing many different roles and multi-tasking. But our brains and bodies need a break. We are not designed to work relentlessly every day of the year.

If your business is set up so that it can’t run without you, then you need to seriously look at ways that it can. A successful long term business is one that CAN continue to run without you, either via outsourcing parts of the business or employing managers. Aside from the need for a break, if your business can’t run without you, then it’s not going to survive in the event of an accident or another emergency that results in you not being able to work.

Start small. Schedule a 2 day break and put things in place so that you are not “checking up” on it. Gradually increase the number of days each time until you are taking at least 2 weeks off at a time. You owe it to yourself, your family and your business.


Michelle Grice writes a weekly column for business women in The Western Weekender


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