By Super User on Thursday, 31 May 2018
Category: Business Articles

Corny catchphrase or inspirational tool?

If you are a regular reader of this column, you will know that I do like my motivational quotes. I think they have the potential to keep me focused and positive, even when things are not going to plan. There is, however, a broad spectrum when it comes to the quality and usefulness of the quotes that we can come across.

For those on social media, you have no doubt seen your share of cheesy quotes, often accompanied by a background image of a rainbow or a cute kitten. The following examples spring to mind:

Some of these have some truth to them and having a positive outlook on life is vital. But motivational quotes are subjective: what one person loves may go straight over the head of another. And when a quote is overused or offered as a clichéd response to a situation, they are far from useful. In addition, a sentiment isn’t going to change the world around you – often when you are in need of motivation there are circumstances out of your control. All the motivational quotes in the world are not going to change that.

However, here are some of my favourite quotes that are hopefully not in your ‘overused’ or ‘cliched’ categories!

And to give you a giggle, here are some that you probably won’t be printing out and putting on your office wall any time soon: