By Super User on Friday, 15 November 2013
Category: Business Articles

Aiming High

Like most female business owners, you’ve probably got a list of great ideas for your business. You might even have a file full of ideas for new business ventures. So why haven’t you done anything about them? What’s holding you back?

Sometimes the things that hold us back are practical in nature: lack of financial backing, lack of time, lack of resources. But the biggest thing that holds you back is YOU.

Most of us limit ourselves without even realising. We make assumptions about other people and how they will respond. We make assumptions about the risks involved without really investigating them. We listen to the naysayers and stop listening to our ‘inner entrepreneur’.

And we often our set our expectations and goals too low. Why can’t you triple your income by the end of the year? Why can’t you make your business as big as you dare to dream it could be?

I love the quote: “Aim for the stars and maybe you'll reach the sky”. If you set your sights on a goal that most people view as “realistic” or “achievable” then you are aiming too low. Aim for higher than you ever thought possible. Give yourself permission to dream big.

And then: just take a first small step. You don’t need to achieve it all in one day. Start by doing one action that will take you closer to your goal.

Michelle Grice writes a weekly column for business women in The Western Weekender

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